Newport Elementary School is located at 1327 W Balboa Blvd in Newport Beach, California. The school covers grades kindergarten through sixth grade (K-6). ranks Newport Elementary as a 9 out of 10 on their rating scale. You can check it out on their website. There are 18 reviews about this public school. Approximately 486 students attend Newport Elementary.
The Newport Beach neighborhoods that go to this school are Balboa Island, Balboa Peninsula, Central Newport, Lido Island, Lido Peninsula, Lido Sands, Newport Island, Newport Shores, and West Newport.
When purchasing Newport Beach real estate or any beach city real estate, always confirm schools with the local school board.
For example, to confirm that an address goes to Newport Elementary School, simply call 949-515-6965 and give them the address of the property. Don’t just rely on the listing details of a property. Always double check.
Map of Newport Elementary School
Map to the school on Balboa Peninsula in Newport Beach, California.
Newport Beach Homes in the Newport Elementary School Area