The Long Beach Unified School District has 84 public schools throughout the city. Those schools service 81,000 students in the cities of Long Beach, Signal Hill, Lakewood and Avalon on Catalina Island.
Some of them are rated a 9 out 10 according to There are 47 elementary schools, 16 middle schools, and 15 high schools under the Long Beach Unified School District. Check their website for future details.
Long Beach School Boundaries
You can use the Long Beach School Finder to find the right school for your children or download the District Map. The District Map includes a list of school names, addresses, and phone numbers for Long Beach elementary, middle, and high schools.
The best contact number is (562) 997-8226.
Address: 1515 Hughes Way, Long Beach, CA 90810
Enrollment Procedures
How do I enroll my student?
“Students are enrolled at their school of residence, not the district office. Whether the school site participates in online registration or traditional enrollment, parents must first bring the required documents listed below to the school office to begin the enrollment process.
Please Note: Attendance at the school of residence is not guaranteed and is based on space availability.”
Refer to the Enrollment Procedure document. Always reach out the Long Beach Unified School District when you have questions at (562) 997-8247.