Currently, there are 51 single-family homes for sale in Corona, CA 92882. We created this list of 92882 Corona homes to help you find a house quickly.
What do you like best about the zip code 92882? I’d love to know. Send me a quick email.
Corona Neighborhoods, Corona Lifestyles, Corona Zip Codes
Which of these Corona neighborhoods would you consider besides looking for homes in 92882?
Welcome to Corona California Frequently Asked Questions
Where is Corona, California Located?
It is located in northwest Riverside County, where the 91 freeway and Interstate 15 connect. To me, it is one of the fastest-growing cities in Riverside County.
How far is Corona away from the Los Angeles Airport (LAX)?
LAX airport is 54 miles west of Corona, California. Your best bet is to fly out of Ontario Airport which is 17.2 miles north of the city. Take Interstate 15 to the airport.
Is it Safe to Live in Corona, California?
66% of the people surveyed on consider Corona to be a great place to live.
Pros and Cons of Living in Corona CA
Advantages | Things to Consider |
Lower home pricing than Orange County | Freeway Traffic |
Bigger homes | Air quality during the summer |
Hot months are July, August & with Sept Average 90 (F) | Growth of the city |
Good schools | The hot months are July, and August & with Sept Average 90 (F) |
Plenty of shopping |
What are the fun things to do in Corona?
Check out the Corona resource page of Fun Things to Do in Corona including 13 fun things to do in Corona, 10 cool places for dining, and 3 golf course.
What are the Corona schools like in 92882?
There are 28 schools the the zip code of 92882. Check out the Corona Unified School District for more information about local schools. A few of the top rated ones I found on
- Dwight D Eisenhower Elementary School, K-6, rated 9 out of 10
- Benjamin Franklin Elementary School, K-6, rated 7 out of 10 on
- Cesar Chavez Academy, K-8, rated 7 out of 10
- Centennial High School, 9-12, rated 8 out of 10
- Corona High School, 9-12, rated 6 out of 10
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