View all Long Beach 90808 real estate for sale with big beautiful pictures, property details, local school information and a mortgage calculator per listing.
Long Beach neighborhoods in 90808 consists of Carson Park, El Dorado Park, Lakewood Park, Lakewood City (in Long Beach), Lakewood Plaza, Rancho Area, Lakewood Village, Imperial Estates and South of Conant.
Long Beach CA 90808 Real Estate for Sale
Beautiful photos and lots of details of each of the single-family homes for sale in Long Beach, California 90808. Which of these homes do you like the most? Under each property, you can rate the properties with Emjoi’s as to where you Love a home or not.
Long Beach CA Homes by Zip Code
The following Long Beach neighborhoods are located in Long Beach, CA 90808 zip code. I broke down the average selling prices here in 2022 to give you an idea of where to search for homes. I have a map of neighborhoods that I give to potential clients when I met them for a free buyer consultation.
Zip Codes | 2023 Prices | List to Sale Ratio |
90802 Homes | $646,190 | 95.40% |
90803 Homes | $1,987,708 | 99.10% |
90804 Homes | $855,342 | 99.80% |
90805 Homes | $640,546 | 100.90% |
90806 Homes | $756,491 | 101.30% |
90807 Homes | $1,112,321 | 99.40% |
90808 Homes | $982,320 | 100.20% |
90810 Homes | $624,688 | 101.40% |
90813 Houses | $632,111 | 99.30% |
90814 Homes | $1,036,100 | 102.10% |
90815 Homes | $989,138 | 99.30% |
Quick Facts About 90808 Real Estate in Long Beach, CA
There are approximately 39,000 residents in Long Beach 90808. Over 14,400 residential properties are located here.
To find out which schools go to the homes that you like below, please double check with the Long Beach Unified School District.
What else do you need to know about 90808 real estate in Long Beach? Do you want to schedule some time to view any of the houses that you liked above?
Strategies for Finding homes for sale in 90808
There are a couple strategies that you can apply to win.
(1) Buyer Consultation – Meet with your real estate agent and create a plan to find a home that is not listed for sale. He or she should have other ways to generate sellers than just waiting for a new listing to come on the market.
- For example, I worked with Mike & Christine to find a home in Anaheim. We searched for months, and they couldn’t find anything that would work for them. Then, I started researching off-market properties. Got permission to show them a house in Anaheim and they bought it before it hit the market.
(2) Mailing neighborhoods – Jay Valento can target market neighborhoods that fall into your price range and actively mail or door knock the area.
If you don’t have an agent and want to talk about your real estate plans, call me at 562-413-7655. I cover many cities beyond Long Beach, and we can meet over coffee and build a strategy to find you a home together.