Explore homes for sale in San Pedro $700,000 to $800,000 with big photos, lots of property details and a map of the area. If you need San Pedro schools information, it is located in the details of each listing. Calculate your estimated monthly payment for each property instantly for each home.
Homes for Sale in San Pedro $700,000 to $800,000
After viewing homes for sale in San Pedro $700,000 to $800,000, you can refine your property search by features, neighborhoods, zip codes (90731) and more. You can find newer homes, luxury estates, San Pedro condos, San Pedro towhouses and resale properties too. Take your time as you research San Pedro properties for sale along the coastline of Southern California.
[su_box title=”San Pedro Homes by Price Range” radius=”3″]
[su_row][su_column size=”1/3″]
$300,000 – $400,000
$400,000 – $500,000
$500,000 – $600,000
[/su_column] [su_column size=”1/3″]
$600,000 – $700,000
$700,000 – $800,000
$800,000 – $900,000
[/su_column] [su_column size=”1/3″]
$900,000 – $1,00,000
Over $1,000,000
Harbor Views
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If you need a special feature not covered in the “more options” link of features, call Jay Valento of Realty ONE Group at 562-413-7655. Let’s meet for coffee and talk about your real estate plans. When is a good time for us to meet?