There are 2,649 single family Mission Grove homes in this Riverside neighborhood. You will find single story and two story homes throughout the neighborhood built in 1986 to 2004.
Floor Plans of Mission Grove Homes
- 3 Bedroom homes have 1,036 t0 2,476 square feet
- 4 Bedroom homes have 1,496 to 2,430 square feet
- 5 bedroom homes have 1,910 to 3,806 square feet
All Mission Grove Homes in Riverside for Sale
Check out all of the available Mission Grove homes for sale in this area of Riverside, California. My local agent lives in Mission Grove and can show you any home listed for sale and ones that are “off-the-market”.
Map of Mission Grove Riverside Neighborhood
The Riverside neighborhood called Mission Grove is located west of the 215 freeway at Alessandro Blvd and Trautwein Road. There are Mission Grove homes are above Alessandro and below the street with local shopping close bye.
Riverside CA Homes by Price Range
Mission Grove Homes Insider Market Trends Report
Get an 24 page insider report of local market trends for the Mission Grove area. The report will be sent to you in a pdf format so you can read it and learn about housing trends.
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