Since you are thinking about moving to the Inland Empire, we thought this list of new homes for sale in Temecula help your search.
Living in the wine country of Temecula can have its benefits.
Take a few minutes to explore these Temecula real estate listings below that are updated hourly and other cities that you are considering for your move.
New Homes for Sale in Temecula, California
I created a list of new homes direct from local builders and homes built in 2019 to today in Temecula. We have people moving to Temecula from San Diego, Los Angeles, Orange County, and across the country.
Everyone is looking for something special. I hope this list of properties works for you.
Video Slideshow of New Homes in Temecula California
Temecula Neighborhoods
Temecula Neighborhoods | Active Listings | Property Type | Zip Code |
Alegre | Townhomes | 92592 | |
Auberry Place | Condos - Townhomes | 92592 | |
Chardonnay Hills | Houses | 92591 | |
Crowne Hill | Houses | 92592 | |
Country Road Estates | Houses | 92592 | |
De Luz Estates | Houses | 92590 | |
Redhawk | Houses | 92592 | |
GlenOak Hills | Home | 92592 | |
Harveston Lake | Houses | 92591 | |
Los Ranchitos | Houses | 92592 | |
Meadowview Estates | Houses | 92591 | |
Morgan Hill | House | 92592 | |
Paloma Del Sol | Houses | 92592 | |
Paseo Del Sol | Houses | 92592 | |
Rancho Highlands | Houses | 92592 | |
Rancho Del Sol | Houses | 92591 | |
Rancho Madera | Houses | 92592 | |
Roripaugh Hills | Houses | 92591 | |
Roripaugh Ranch | Homes | 92591 | |
Santiago Ranchos Estates | Houses | 92592 | |
Temecula Wine Country | Houses | 92591 | |
Temeku Hills | Houses | 92591 | |
The Fairways | Houses | 92592 | |
The Groves | Houses | 92592 | |
Wolf Creek | Houses | 92592 | |
Santiago Estates | Houses | 92592 |