In an effort to make a difference, the National Association of Realtors donated $1 million dollars to help the relief efforts for Katrina. The funds raised assisted victims in Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi. Many Realtors were affected by Katrina so the National Association of Realtors (NAR) asked it’s 1,200,000 members to donate.
All marketing costs of were paid for by NAR so that the money raised could be given to aid the victims of Katrina.
Realtors Outreach for Katrina
Contributions can be made online through the following secure site powered by NAR’s e-commerce system:
Contributions are tax deductible. To make contributions by mail, checks should be made payable to the REALTORS(R) Relief Fund and sent to: REALTORS® Relief Fund, Attn: NAR Finance Division, 430 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago IL 60611.
REALTOR® is a registered collective membership mark which may be used only by real estate professionals who are members of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS(R) and subscribe to its strict Code of Ethics.