Irvine real estate listings in 92614 are displayed below. You can use our advanced search with a Radius, Mapping Tool, Neighborhood, Address or City search through Irvine real estate detailed map search. We have a master list of Orange County zip codes for each city and plan to add more on for Los Angeles and Riverside Counties.
92614 Irvine Real Estate MLS Listings – Homes & Condos
View all listings for sale in 92614 Irvine real estate including photos, details and local area maps. Call Jay Valento at 800-300-6126 or 562-413-7655 to view homes.
Irivne CA 92614 Housing Trends for 2020
The way to look at the number below is that this is an average of all single family homes within 92614. This will give you an overall view of 92614.
Home values for the property that you fall in love with will be different. I just wanted to share with you the current trends.
Days on Market represents that average number of days it takes to sell a house in 92614.
The percentage (%) of the list price – this tells you how hot the market is. If offers are being accepted at 100%, that means full price and it is probably very competitive.
So, please be pre-approved by a reliable lender. If you need references, call me.
Location | # of Listings | Average Selling Price | Days on Market | Price per Square Foot | % of the List Price |
Irvine CA 92614 | $955,750 | 29 | $566 | 100.20% |
Irvine Neighborhoods in 92614
Woodbridge – homes were built in 1978 to 1999 in this area. Square footage sizes range from 971 to 4,000. The average selling price in 2020 is $980,667. It takes 59 days for a house to sell in Woodbridge.
Westpark – homes were built in 1971 to 1989. Square footage size range from 1,800 to 2,601. The average selling price is $1,042,833. It takes 22 days to sell a home in Westpark.