Irvine real estate listings in 92618 are displayed below. You can use our advanced search with a Radius, Mapping Tool, Neighborhood, Address, or City search through Irvine real estate detailed map search. We have a master list of Orange County zip codes for each city and plan to add more on for Los Angeles and Riverside Counties.
All Homes for Sale in 92618 Irvine California
Compare Irvine Zip Codes by Price Range
We have a master list of Orange County zip codes for each city and plan to add more on for Los Angeles and Riverside Counties.
You can search for Irvine homes for sale by zip code. I find a lot of clients have a target Irvine zip code that they want to focus on. It might be for a particular school, neighborhood, or close to family. Check out the current housing prices for each area below.
Irvine Zip Codes Average Selling Price Number of Irvine Homes for Sale
92602 Irvine Real Estate $1,592,504
92603 Irvine Real Estate $2,732,028
92604 Irvine Real Estate $919,675
92606 Irvine Real Estate $969,453
92612 Irvine Real Estate $1,068,505
92614 Irvine Real Estate $1,027,743
92618 Irvine Real Estate $1,471,105
92620 Irvine Real Estate $1,210,477