Experience living the Orange County lifestyle in 92602 Irvine real estate in Orchard Hills, Northpark, and West Irvine neighborhoods. The average price in these neighborhoods ranges from $690,000 to $2,000,000.
Irvine real estate listings in 92602 are displayed below. You can use our advanced search with a Radius, Mapping Tool, Neighborhood, Address, or City search through Irvine real estate search.
We have a master list of Orange County zip codes for each city and plan to add more on for Los Angeles and Riverside Counties.
92602 Irvine Real Estate MLS Listings – Homes & Condos
View the newest 92602 Irvine real estate listings for sale in zip code 92602. By clicking on the address of the properties you like, you will see all photos, details, and local area maps. Call Jay Valento at 562-413-7655 to view homes.
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