There are 194,228 people, as of 2003, in Huntington Beach, California. The Estimated Average Family Income is $105,075
In October 2005, Huntington Beach Market Report, there are 169 condos for sale as of today. The price range is between $144,000 (the condo is on leased land, so you pay an additional fee for that property) to $1,951,000.
When searching for a condo, research the features, home owner’s association fee (which is normally the HOA fee) per month and it’s location. What does the HOA cover? It differs between each association. Ask your agent to find out what it covers…they will try to get as much information as possible for you.
Single Family Homes in Huntington Beach…there are 309 homes for sale. The price range is $579,000 to $3,550,000. The closer to the ocean you are the higher the price. Huntington Beach offers some great neighborhoods to explore. View all homes in Huntington Beach…