Good Morning Long Beach visitors…..
There are 66 condos for sale in the Long Beach zip code of 90804. Here is what the numbers look like for your review:
- Average listed price is $258,630
- Average square footage 892
- Average price per square foot is $298
- Average days on market….is 84.
There are 5 home owners that are accepting backup offers on their condos…just in case their current buyers change decide not to continue with the purchase. In addition, there are 8 more properties that are in escrow with the status of pending sale; so we can assume that those owners and their agents have confidence that the buyers are going to continue with their purchases / investment.
October 2008 Long Beach Condo Sales
There are 13 condos that sold in the month of October 2008. Let’s look at the numbers:
- Average closed sales price was $266,546
- Average square footage…1,069
- Average price per square foot is $251
- Average days on market was 78
On average, these listings sold for 9.92% less than the asking price.
What is your home worth today? Find out for free through our special Long Beach home values service. Explore condos and homes for sale in Long Beach through our new interactive property searching system. View details, slide shows, street views, community information and more details than any other Long Beach real estate website in southern California.