Single family homes for sale in Glendale, CA 91206 are selling for $938,000 in 2019. That is down 14.10% from 2018. Glendale houses are selling for over the listed price; 103.10% of the listed price as of April 2019.
The average selling price of Glendale condos in this zip code is $541,667. That is up 30.70% over 2018. Condos are selling over the listed price too. They are selling at 101.10% in this zip code 91206. Knowing the numbers I find always helps.
We get all home values direct from our California Regional Multiple Listing Service and local property tax records. Please do not rely on Zillow for home values. They tend to be off by up to 30%.
Before you write an offer on any Glendale home or condo, we will determine the “real” market value of the property so you can make a good offer that gets accepted.