Our Aliso Viejo condos search has a direct link to our California multiple listing service. All listings are updated every 15 minutes. You can search with our interactive map or our quick search box on the left of the map.
Easy to use Aliso Viejo condos for sale search below allows you to search thousands of listings for sale including popular beach cities like Laguna Niguel condos, Huntington Beach homes and many other great cities to live in.
There are many condos for sale in this communities below….to narrow down your search, go to Aliso Viejo real estate to use our new interactive property search tools.
Aliso Viejo Condos for Sale
View all of the currently listed Aliso Viejo Condos for Sale in Orange County.
Aliso Viejo Condos by Community
Condominiums communities include Calabria, California Renaissance, Camden Park, Canterberry, Cantora, Canyon Point, Canyon Villas, Coronado, Glenwood Village, Hamptons, Harbor Station, Heather Ridge, Laurelmont, Montelena, Morningside, Morningside Terrace, New World Condos, Orleans and Passeggio.
Do You Need Information on Aliso Viejo Schools?
Aliso Viejo California schools are governed by the Capistrano Unified School District at 949-234-9200. You can do some additional research there as well. For the high school, which is Aliso Niguel High School, you can contact them at 949-831-5590.
Elementary Schools in Aliso Viejo
Canyon Vista Elementary School with 765 students at 27800 Oak View; phone: (949) 234-5941
Don Juan Avila Elementary School with 771 students at 26278 Wood Canyon Drive; (949) 349-9452
Oak Grove Elementary School with 790 students at (949) 360-9001
Wood Canyon Elementary School with 495 students (949) 448-0012
Middle Schools
Aliso Viejo Middle School 111 Park Ave, Phone: (949) 831-2622
Don Juan Avila Middle School (949) 362-0348
High School
- Aliso Niguel High School at 28000 Wolverine Way; (949) 831-5590
Aliso Viejo is located about 15 minutes from the Pacific Ocean and next to Laguna Beach and Lagua Niguel. Live inland and cruise to the beaches on the weekend…so cool.