Alamitos Heights  Long Beach Housing Market April 2023

If you are thinking about moving to Alamitos Heights area of  Long Beach, Then you should get to know local pricing.

Alamitos Heights houses are selling for $1,346,250 as of April 2023.

What is the Average Selling Price of Alamitos Heights Homes?

Alamitos Heights houses are selling within 32 days after being listings for sale.

On average, how long does it take to sell a home in Alamitos Heights?

The average price per square foot is $736 for the area.

What is the average price per square foot of a home that sold in Alamitos Heights in 2023?

In Alamitos Heights, home are selling for 98.70% of the listed price

How flexible are home sellers on price in April 2023 in this neighborhood?

Click on the link below or go to today.   Call Jay Valento 562-413-7655 Realtor at  Fathom Realty Group DRE 01159553

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