Newport Beach Housing Prices November 2022

Are Housing Prices UP, DOWN or Stable?

Homes in Newport Beach  are selling for $4,263,693.  That is UP 21.20% over 2021

How Long Does it Take to Sell a House in Newport Beach?

31 days from the date it was listed until it open escrow with an accepted offer.

What is the average price per square foot in November 2022?

$1,499.00.  That is UP 22.40% over 2021 when the price per square foot was $1,225.00

How can you tell if the real estate market is HOT or NOT?

I look to the List to Sales Ratio to see what percentage of the listed price homes are selling for....

The List to Sales Ratio was 99.30%. 100% would  mean homes are selling for full listed price.

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