Camarillo, California is located in the Southern California area and is home to over 67,000 residents. The city is located in Ventura County and was incorporated in 1964. When you live in one of the Camarillo homes, you will be close to the beach in Oxnard or Ventura which are only about 10 miles west.
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All Camarillo Homes For Sale
The listings below are from different real estate companies in California. We can show you any property listed for sale and hope to meet you soon. Take a few minutes to review Camarillo homes for sale below. Beautiful Camarillo homes for sale in Ventura County, California.
Fun things to do in Camarillo, California
You can ride your bike on the Calaguas Creek Bike Path, which is about a four-mile trip. You can also visit the McGrath Family Farm, which has yummy fruits and vegetables.
Go bowling at Harley’s Camarillo Bowl or take a hike through the town’s six parks. Check out more fun things to do and learn about the city of Camarillo today.
Do You Need to Know about Schools in Camarillo?
When researching schools, please reference the Pleasant Valley School District to confirm with the district. Ask them about the address of the Camarillo home you fall in love with is in the school boundaries that you desire.