Currently, there are 30 rental listings in Corona Del Mar, California. Is there something special that you are looking for in a house or condo to rent? The properties listed for lease below are for one-year leases. There are no short-term leases in the list below.
The search tool is set to homes and condos for lease in Corona Del Mar. So, if you want to search in Newport Beach or Newport Coast, you can simply change the city and add your other details.
All Rental Listings in Corona Del Mar for lease
The list below is every condo and house for lease that was listed by a real estate company. It does not include owners who are not listed. You will need great credit and resources to rent these properties for lease.
Photos of Corona Del Mar, California
Just in case you wanted to see what the area looks like. Here are a few photos.
Local Resources
City of Corona del Mar is a beach area located in Newport Beach. Find fun things to do on the Visit Corona del Mar on the Newport Beach city website.
Visit Crystal Cove State Park located at 8471 N Coast Highway in Newport Beach. This is a fun walk / hike.
If you desire a morning breakfast and coffee, check out Rose Bakery Cafe on Pacific Coast Highway in Corona del Mar. My favorite.