Real Estate in Coto de Caza, California is in a guard-gated community with a private golf course close by. Beautiful Coto de Caza homes for sale that you really love. Envision yourself living here.
Are you looking for homes with a tennis court in Coto de Caza or a pool or movie theater? You can find it all right here.
I really love this community. I have shown many homes in Coto de Caza and done several open houses in the past. I find it very peaceful, quiet, and beautiful.

Multiple Ways to Search for Coto de Caza Homes
You can search by cities, neighborhoods, zip codes, and schools. Maybe you like a particular architectural style for your next home.
You can narrow your search down by using the +Advanced Link below. It gives you access to over 300 different features. If you want to learn more about the searching power, I got crazy and made a home searching video.
Coto De Caza Homes for Sale
Coto de Caza Luxury Homes for Sale
Coto De Caza Housing Prices and Trends for 2023
Are prices up in Coto De Caza, stable, or down?
Knowing the real estate data trends for this area is the key to making good investments.
The more you know about the market, the better. If it is a buyer’s market, you can take advantage of it. If it is a seller’s market, you may have to pay a little more if you a home you love has multiple offers on it.
In April 2023, the average selling price of Coto de Caza homes is $2,200,656 which is down 4.20% from 2022.
It takes an average of 44 days on the market for a home to sell. There are currently 1.90 months of inventory for sale. That is UP 46.20% from April 2022.
Single-family homes are selling for 98.00% of the listed price in 2023. That is down 6.10% from 2022 when homes in Coto de Caza were selling for 4.40% above the listed price.
Source: California Regional Multiple Listing Service
Frequently Asked Questions about Coto de Caza Homes
Map of Coto De Caza, California
Map of the location, parks in the city and golf course.